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Friday, October 28, 2011

Creating a brighter future

Each new generation of Americans brings hope to our country. That’s why we encourage our children to pursue careers that will get them far in life and contribute to the strengthening of our nation. But a huge dilemma many students face today is if they will find a career in their fields of study and how they will pay off their student loans.

President Obama announced recently that he is proposing new laws that will help out college students with their student loans post graduation.  This proposal will provide much needed relief to American workers burdened with huge student loan debt and contribute to more young people deciding to apply for federal loans so they can advance their educations. This topic should have been on the agenda years ago. Student loans are adding up faster than credit card debts, according to statistics. Statistics show that American students owe more than $900 billion in student loan debt. With loan debts continuing to increase and the job market decreasing, these factors weigh heavily on anyone considering attending college. The average college student will accrue approximately $25,000 in student loans by graduation.  Graduating with a large debt and worrying about the job market are not what Americans should have to face after college.  

Our future depends completely on the younger generation. Obama’s proposal will help millions of Americans struggling to pay their student loans and will encourage several more to attend college. It’s a punishment to spend the latter half of your life paying off a high interest loans to get a good education. There is no such thing as a debt free America, but we can hope for the sake of those Americans who have student loans, that there will be debt relief plan in place soon.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Unemployment Crisis

 Did we drop the ball on unemployment? That’s what Nicholas D. Kristof discusses in an article that appeals to any American in need of the answer to this question.  Most people who follow politics know that most topics discussed are anything but how to fix the unemployment crisis.

Nicholas D. Kristof, a graduate of Harvard College and Oxford University, won two Pulitzers Prizes, as well as several other awards, and has been working as a columnist for the New York Times since 2001. His initial start for the New York Times was in 1984, where he focused on covering the economy and presidential politics. He was also the author of the chapter on George W. Bush in the book, “The Presidents”.

How can we point out the obvious to our government? Kristof mentions in his article that when Americans are polled on the issues that they care most about, a two-to-one margin is jobs.  The economy will not survive if unemployment rates increase and more families become part of the poorer class. While many Americans struggle to make ends meet, the rest of economy continues to dwindle. This domino effect should be reason to place this issue higher on the agenda.  President Obama has been saying all the right things about how to fix the unemployment crisis, but far too meekly according to Kristof, while the Republican Government is saying the wrong things altogether. 

What most of us should fear is a permanent recession. As we continue to follow the Republican Party presidential debates, we should really focus on the person who will do the most to revive our country. The going will keep getting tough, and the tough will run out of ways to keep going. 

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's Time To Face The Facts!

Timothy Egan, reporter for the New York Times, discusses an issue that mainly targets individuals who follow the political party. In his article, “Idiocy and Advocacy”, he explains how Republicans are engaged in “Political malpractice”. In other words, they are in denial when it comes to the important issues that effect our country and even our world.

Egan has been writing for The New York Times for 18 years as a correspondent and a national enterprise reporter. In 2001, he contributed to the series, “How Race is Lived in America”, winning a Pulitzer Prize. He has also published several books, including “The Worst Hard Time” and The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire That Saved America.”

This article points out that many politicians are in denial of the very important issues America and the entire world face. Bill Clinton is mentioned as saying, ““We look like a joke. If you’re an American, the best thing you can do is to make it politically unacceptable for people to engage in denial.” Egan puts those politicians who are in denial in the same party as Michelle Bachmann. Many people watched Bachmann make claim that the drug Gardasil was the cause of one girls “mental retardation”. This among many statements made by politicians was cause for outrage to people who recognize that politicians speak too freely. Politicians making ill-informed remarks will only cause bigger issues for Americans. Their opinions misinform the public and everyone should be aware of this issue.

Freely spoken politicians are ignoring the obvious issues we face, like global warming. Egan writes that Republicans are calling this issue a hoax. Credible scientist and researchers can prove global warming is a fact and that our earth is going through some serious changes. We can’t let serious issues slip through cracks or be down sized by politicians who are in denial. Americans are willing to do whatever it takes in order to ensure that the important issues are dealt with. I believe that if we have politicians who are willing to research the facts and consider all ends of the issue, then we would function better as a country.
Below is a direct link to the above article, "Idiocy and Advocacy" by Timothy Egan: